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Film, paper, perishable, "Special Order" items, and equipment with opened software are not returnable.
Returns must be received within 10 calendar days from the date the RA is issued. Returns should be shipped in a shipping carton with RA number clearly indicated on the outside of the package and a copy of the invoice enclosed. Customer is responsible for shipping costs, and product should be fully insured. Neptune Photo is not responsible for lost or damaged packages. Products returned in damaged or unacceptable condition will be returned to the customer.
Neptune Photo Inc.
130 Seventh Street,
Garden City, New York 11530
Refunds will be issued within 5 working days from date of return, in the manner in which it was originally paid.
Please check your order immediately; all claims for concealed damage or shortage must be made within 5 days after receipt of order. Damaged cartons should not be accepted. Claims for concealed damage may require carrier inspection. Please save the original shipping box and all packing materials.
Shipping rates are based on a one pound package delivered by United Parcel Service (UPS) to a destination within the Continental USA. Freight charges for packages over one pound can be determined from the following schedule.
Standard UPS Ground Service $ 7.95 plus $ .75 per lbs. additional
UPS Second Day Service $10.95 plus $ 2.35 per lbs. additional
UPS Next Day Service $24.95 plus $ 3.75 per lbs. additional
Oversize- Standard UPS Ground Service $ 7.95 plus $ 1.25 per lbs. additional
Oversize Orders: Include heavy and oversized items often made up of more than one carton, examples: large telescopes with tripods, welded steel tables, workstations, and large sound systems.
Large Orders: May qualify for extra freight discounts, please call for an exact rate quote.
Special Freight Request: We also ship by Federal Express and United States Postal Service (USPS), please call with specific requirements for exact shipping costs.
All International orders must be placed by email, telephone, fax, or mail. Please indicate your preferred method of shipment so we may contact you with shipping charges.
International orders must be prepaid in US dollars by either Cashier's check or Postal money order, please include all shipping charges. Taxes and duties are the responsibility of the buyer. Please include your complete name, address, telephone number, and email address.
Neptune Photo Inc.
Attn: Export Department
130 Seventh Street
Garden City, New York 11530
Telephone: 516-741-4484
Fax: 516-741-1225
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Lorem ipsum dolor amet seitan taxidermy intelligentsia PBR&B pabst XOXO, microdosing 8-bit lo-fi chambray narwhal echo park paleo. Tilde deep v humblebrag polaroid tofu tumblr single-origin coffee tote bag retro vaporware meditation farm-to-table locavore. Fanny pack jianbing celiac master cleanse locavore fam. Unicorn quinoa twee, chillwave YOLO cardigan 90's pitchfork cornhole biodiesel wayfarers four dollar toast scenester copper mug vegan. Ethical raw denim pork belly intelligentsia food truck chartreuse.
Lorem ipsum dolor amet seitan taxidermy intelligentsia PBR&B pabst XOXO, microdosing 8-bit lo-fi chambray narwhal echo park paleo. Tilde deep v humblebrag polaroid tofu tumblr single-origin coffee tote bag retro vaporware meditation farm-to-table locavore. Fanny pack jianbing celiac master cleanse locavore fam. Unicorn quinoa twee, chillwave YOLO cardigan 90's pitchfork cornhole biodiesel wayfarers four dollar toast scenester copper mug vegan. Ethical raw denim pork belly intelligentsia food truck chartreuse.
Neptune Photo is not responsible in the event of typographic errors for prices listed online.