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About Neptune Photo Inc.

Neptune Photo is a family owned business located on suburban Long Island, New York in the Village of Garden City. The company continues to be owned and managed by the Jacobs family who have a long history in the Photo business. In 1946, Nathan Jacobs entered the photo industry co-founding N H Nelson Corporation. N H Nelson Corporation specialized in cameras, major appliances, records, and luggage. In 1949 Nathan’s son, Herbert Jacobs joined the firm, his technical background and easy going personality providing a perfect match for sales in the camera department. In 1963, Herbert Jacobs founded Neptune Photo which specialized exclusively on cameras and photography. Suburban Long Island (NY) in the heart of Garden City was chosen as the original location. While Neptune has moved a number of times as demands for more space arose, it has always remained in Garden City. During the 1980’s, Robert Jacobs and Bonnie Heffernan joined the firm, and now own and manage the company.

For over 50 years, the Jacobs family and knowledgeable staff have offered a wide selection of imaging products and services. Our goal is to treat our customers as friends providing individualized attention and service. Whether you walk in our front doors or contact us on the web, regardless of your level of photographic expertise, We will provide solutions, expert advice, and competitive pricing just as we have done for three generations.

Neptune Store
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